Saturday, April 10, 2010

Things have been kind of odd lately and I find myself thinking about the end of life. It's one of the realities for me, that I am not going to have a long life, and while I am often sad about that, I think I am also a bit relieved.
I don't think that it is necessarily a bad thing to be accepting of death. I am certainly not going to hasten it in any way, but the truth is that we all are going to die, and my circumstances no longer allow me to pretend that I will live forever.
I think it also allows me to really be present in the moment. I love my life, and am happy most of the time, and I think it is easy to lose sight of the things that make life worthwhile in the race for some kind of security. I have created a security inside myself, out of sheer necessity, and so I can just be in the middle of wherever I find myself.
And that, that is a tremendous gift.


  1. Much love, Tracy. Well said.

    Now stop with the making me experience feelings stuff. I do not like this.
