Thursday, July 12, 2007

Jackassery Abounds

My biological father is dying. My older brother is a pathological liar, an adulter and a pedophile. My younger brother is an adulterer, liar, manipulator and he's studying to be a lawyer, although that may seem redundant.

At least the pedophile is supporting his kids financially. The wannabe lawyer would rather buy shoes and leather furniture.

My mother is in seminary. My dad, who adopted me and my younger brother when he married my mom, is suicidal. Two of my brothers are in the middle of nasty divorces, and are acting like lunatics caught in a midlife crisis. How else can you explain someone who works for the state spending $1200 on fucking Italian leather wingtips? I mean, they are WINGTIPS, fer crissake.

As you may have guessed, I'm having some family issues. I have another blog, but my family haunts it like an old funhouse, so I've resorted to this. And this, I promise, is going to hold back NOTHING.

Maybe it will help me stop doing recreational heroin.

1 comment:

  1. all heroin is recreational. I say go for it, and tell us Alllllll about it.

    Also, welcome to the world of alternablogging. it's the new black!
